Thursday, February 2, 2017

What good brushes do for a gal.

Hey Cuties, a show of hands if you could, who loves their brushes? Same here! I also feel they are a sound investment and so easy to find if you know what you're looking or feeling for. Texture of a brush is one of the most important things.

Oh so soft.

It's such an amazing feeling having soft brushes on your face isn't it Cuties? Soft but dense is the key to good brushes. I personally prefer all my brushes on the softer side even the more dense ones. Soft brushes add some much needed comfort when it's time to get ready don't you agree?

Multi use.

I love my Morphe brush set that has such a huge variety that I find myself using a brush in an unconventional type of way. I can't even count how many brushes I have that look similar that I know for sure I could use for different things. I'm the type of girl to get the most out of each brush!

Creative boost.

When you use good brushes, I find that it really adds a spark to the creative process. As you apply your makeup it feels less like a time consuming process and more like an outlet, which is how makeup should always be Cuties. Not to mention when you have fresh clean brushes? Heavenly.

Flawless application.

Everything applies so smooth it is magical. It is amazingly awe inspiring to see your work come to life just like it did in your head. Or if you're anything like me, in a picture you may or may not have found on social media. No judgement here Cuties!

The timeless question.

There's anyways the question of what is better to have, better quality makeup or better quality makeup brushes. From what I've gathered I would say it has to be makeup brushes. It makes such a huge difference that you wouldn't believe it if you didn't see it with your own eyes Cuties.

Until next time Cuties(:

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