Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Nothing wrong with a little self help.

Hey Cuties, so every once in a while I always feel like it does me good to do some self reflection. During these times I realize that sometimes I could be entirely to hard on myself. Then it hits me. So can you, Cuties. We are entirely too hard on ourselves and we need to stop making it seem like there is some weird stigma about self help.

Self love is always a priority.

Self love is finally starting to show its face in social media but I feel like it needs to get a whole lot bigger. Loving yourself is a beautiful and it's one of the hardest things in the world to keep up. When you put self love in the back seat it weighs on you in ways you can't believe Cuties. You could always use more love for you, the more love you have to give to the world.

You really are that awesome.

Okay so I know what you're thinking, okay, but I'm not that special. I'm just ordinary, but that's the thing. You ARE special and you are extraordinary. No kind in this world can be you. Cuties, always remember, you're full of star stuff. So, don't sell yourself so short. I know how awesome you are, so give yourself some credit!

You won't like every single method.

Okay so maybe you don't want to be sugar coated. No problem. If you need something to ease you and help you lick some wounds that's okay too. Don't feel like there isn't anything out there for you. You just do yourself a favor and just get to know yourself. Then find what really speaks to you.

Audio books work just as well.

Maybe you don't have the time to read a self help book? That's where audio books could be more up your alley. We all heard of audible and I'm sure your favorite Youtuber had a discount code for you. Go about your day and feel better the self love too, give you a bit more pep in your step.

You should do what works best for you.

Okay okay, so maybe self help books aren't for you. The other idea I have for you is giving yourself truly a day to get to know yourself. Color in a coloring book, curl up with a good novel, or catch up on your favorite TV show. Maybe try giving yourself pamper days too Cuties, paint your nails, do a deep hair treatment, or go lets the pros give you a pamper.

Until next time Cuties(:

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Hey Cuties, I'd love to hear from you, and I promise I read each and every one of your comments and they mean the world to me.I hope you come back and see what you missed!
And remember,Stay Cute,Stay You.

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