Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Youtubers I'd Check Out: Amber Scholl

Hey Cuties, are you a D.I.Y gal? I try to be, I admit I’m not that good at it though. I’m still dipping my toes into D.I.Y and Amber is a good chunk of that. I don’t know where I’d start without her tips.

 She always sounds so cheerful.

I know it sounds strange, but for some reason Cuties she always sounds so happy in her videos. It always brings a smile to my face when I watch her videos. Before she even starts to get to the point of her video I already feel like I'm in a better mood.

D.I.Y queen. 

She literally has a D.I.Y for everything you could your girly heart could want. Not to mention, it's affordable and it looks so fun when she's doing it. From shoes to clothes to accessories, you name it. She knows you how to do it and how to feel confident about it.

Best kind of rambling.

She rambles. In like the best way possible. It always feels like she’s gushing to you, like the excitement is just bubbling out of her. You could really tell she enjoys what she does Cuties. It’s not the annoying type of rambling that makes you feel like they don’t really care about what they are saying, that they just want to be saying something. There is such a thing as good rambling Cuties.

So extra.

This is her thing for sure Cuties, she is extra. Extra, extra, extra. The type of extra a part of me always aspires too. There’s no need to be ashamed of being too much, Amber is always encouraging of that point. As look as you are confident and happy that’s all that matters.

My D.I.Y go to.

Every time I need a go to D.I.Y I always check Amber first see if she did it. She uses inexpensive materials that she makes fabulous and is always on the hunt for a good deal. My type of gal. I like to think we’d be pretty good friends Cuties.

Until next time Cuties(; 
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