Lorac Pirates Of The Caribbean Eyeshadow Palette.
Hey Cuties, I was jumping all around my house when Lorac first announced this collection. I couldn't be more excited! I'm a huge Pirates of The Caribbean fan and the little kid in me is dying of happiness. I feel like I'm going to be the pretty pirate at sea. Join my trusty crew?
So pigmented.
These shadows are so beautifully pigmented Cuties, I love the one swipe color. These shadows are a bit on the powdery side. I'd definitely do your eyes first in this case before your face makeup if you want less fuss. They apply on the fingertip swatch as beautifully as they do on the lid.
I'm more on the fair side but I have noticed that this palette has perfect skin-tone shades! These sandy colors are perfect on the crease. Oh! Especially if you want to do a no makeup makeup look these skin tone shades on the lid would look just fabulous.
Secret compartment.
Yep, just like something out of the Caribbean movies. I squealed, for real, ask hubs for reference. It has a secret compartment to put in the face palette from the collection if you picked that up too. Now, I unfortunately, didn't realize that the face palette wasn't already in the palette. You know excited I would have been Cuties? Would have been a lot more than a squeal.
Cutest names everrr.
Okay so maybe this is because this is Pirates of The Caribbean, but the names. Omg. I can't. They are just perfect. So fitting, and I find myself giggling while I dip into any shade. This palette for tutorials is going to be priceless. And the PUNS? I can't wait.
The pretty pirate.
All these colors fit so well with Pirates of The Caribbean! Good job Lorac! I haven't tried any eyeshadows from Lorac, only my foundation. Now I know why some people have Lorac palettes as their holy grails! Thinking of picking up something none limited edition from them and giving it a go.
Until next time Cuties(:
Until next time Cuties(: