Thursday, April 27, 2017

Makeup Brands You Should Be Loving- Zoeva

Hey Cuties, did you know Zoeva has gorgeous palettes? I’m shell shocked honestly, I feel so ashamed that I thought they only sold brushes. Their palettes are beautiful and I can’t wait to get my hands on them.

           Beautiful brushes.

Their brushes are absolutely gorgeous Cuties. Not without function either! These brushes are beautiful and work very nicely and last a long time. You could get these brushes in sets or individually. My personal favorite is the rose gold set naturally.

           Cute palettes.

The palettes they have include such a nice range of colors and unique vibes to them which I really nice. They are pretty affordable too and well pigmented from what I’ve seen. These are the type of palettes I’d say you could pick up two that catch your eye without much problem.

           Pastel packaging.

The way they style their palettes eye and otherwise is soo pretty! Lately I’ve noticed they have a cute pastel theme going on with some of their palettes. It’s pastel in a luxe way too, not just pastel for the sake of it.

           Versatile range.

With the products they sell I feel like they have a nice range of shades and formulas for anything you might be looking for. Regardless of what you have in mind Zoeva makes it look sleek and luxurious without the luxe price tag.

Not just some pretty brushes.

I know a lot of people have heard really good things about their brushes. Cuties, they are a whole lot more than that. They have good makeup that seems worthy of a basket or two of goodies to try. I mean, they do good brushes, so why would they try and disappoint now? 

Until next time Cuties(:
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