Thursday, July 7, 2016

Summer Sunnies.

Hey Cuties, with the weather at a steady 90 degrees here in NYC it got me thinking a lot about one of my most favorite things of summer, sunglasses. Lately I've seen a lot of new different styles on the market and I can't tell you excited I am. I was browsing around Quay Australia's site and here's the different styles that are begging to come home with me.

Round sunglasses.

When a see a girl in these shades I feel like she just oozes cool and chic. I feel like this style of sunnies really are more difficult to pull off. When you do Cuties, it's so sleek and makes you feel on top of the world. So, put your headphones in, put on your favorite tanning lotion and soak up the sun, and feel the cool girl vibes.

Some round sunnies you could shop:

Completely squared sunglasses.

I get a modern retro feel when I see people with these sunglasses. These I would say definitely area statement piece that speak volumes on their own. Want to look cool on the way to the grocery store or while walking your dog? Throw these on and you'll be ready for the paparazzi Kim K.

Some completely squared sunnies you could buy:

Cat-eyed sunglasses.

Cat Eye sunglasses are definitely my favorite. They could be played up or down and they are funky and fun. I can't think of one person cat eyes sunnies wouldn't look great on Cuties, honestly. What is summer without some fun and spunk? Even if it's on your way to the office.

Some cat eyed sunnies to get your paws on:

Fun frames sunglasses.

Fun Frames are a bit like art when I see them. They can be interpreted in many different ways, I've seen styles I've liked and some I've definitely not liked. This style is probably the most open to most people. Just in the fact that they have so many different types of this style that you could find something more unique to you.

Those shades make you look amazing. Promise.

Sunglasses are helpful and stylish any time of year, but I guess you could say summer is the time for sunglasses to shine (get the pun Cuties? Get it? Ok back to the show).  So, if you're feeling adventurous Cuties I saw go for it! Try a different style! Got a signature style, maybe go for a new color! If you love your sunglasses go to? Then own it. Sunglasses never judge. Besides, in case you haven't heard your future is so bright, you need shades.

Until next time Cuties(:

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