Day in the Life of a Photographer's Wife. July 16 2016
Hey Cuties, oh what fun it is a good day's work. My very first time working a wedding, and I happen to be engaged! What perfect timing! It was both nerve wrecking and exciting, and I wasn't even the bride. Here's my adventures.
A thousand pictures are worth one word.
Click.... click.... click, click. One sec. One more photo. That was me, taking photos of the bride and her bridesmaids getting ready. It being my first time Cuties you better believe that I was nervous and I wasn't sure if the shots I were taking were the right ones. I had to trust my gut. It's a good thing I did Cuties. I definitely got some stellar shots. My fiancé and I live for the moments to hear our clients excited gasps and smiles in their voices.
Buzz, buzz goes the bride.
When I first walked into the room, it felt like the room itself was absolutely buzzing. Hair being done, makeup being done, bridesmaids getting dressed, bride in a fluster. It made me smile wondering if my wedding day if I would see a similar situation. I had the unique opportunity to see what happens before the bride and her girls are the ideal image elegance.
Up, up and away.
Cuties, I am short. My lovely ladies were tall, my image of tall anyways since I'm only 5 feet even. I was standing on the desk. I was on the bed (no shoes of course), on the little ottoman, if it made me just a bit taller so I could get just the right spot, I was there. Talk about a workout.
But first, let me take a selfie.
Me and my fiancé being there to take the photos didn't deter the real pros. Everyone and their momma had their phone out during getting ready and the reception taking their piece of the moment. Thankfully during the ceremony the phones out were few. Just my fiancé doing his thing. At least during the reception there won't be a moment the bride and groom missed with all our and their guests' help.
Like the first time all over again.
Tired feet and exhausted mind was a small price to pay for capturing moments a bride and groom will never forget. It's an honor to be able to help people build memories. I love our business. It was a delight as always to watch my fiancé work. The final pieces are still being put in place, but overall it's all in a day's work.
Until next time Cuties(: