Thursday, July 28, 2016

Does lip liner really make a difference?

Hey Cuties, with the lip craze I definitely feel like I've been on it's brought me to the question of to line my lips or not to line my lips. It's actually a pretty tough question. With a bit of playing and experimenting, I found my answer.

Defines the shape of your lips.

Lip liner is definitely for you if you love a defined lip shape or you like to create certain shape for your lips. It makes it bit easier to fill in your lips when all you have to do is fill in the color as opposed to making a mess on your lips. Lip liner is God-sent for that perfect red color you're in love with but is an absolute hassle and gets really messy really quickly. Or any other color really, but I feel somehow reds are more messy Cuties.

Beware of overlining.

Please oh please Cuties, do not be that person. If you want to over line your lips to create a more flattering shape that is A-okay. Please do so with care, otherwise you may end up looking like a clown and that's not flattering on anyone. Practice makes perfect my Cuties.

Argueably longer lasting color.

Depending on who you ask, and the brand of lipstick you want to rock the color may last longer. If it's not the matching lip color for the brand it usually will not be absolutely perfectly matching and I feel as it starts to fade that becomes obvious. It can also fade into a beautiful ombré which I think looks spectacular.

Ditch the lipstick.

Who says you need lipstick to rock a cute lip liner. I would say that there is definitely a trend lately of skipping the lipstick all together. Lip liner alone gives a moderate color payout and quick to be out the door and know you're not making a mess on your lips. If you're the kind of gal that travels often and has early mornings, try just going with a gorgeous lip liner, could be a life saver.

Lip liner or no?

To be honest with you Cuties, it's both. It all depends on how much time you have a what look you're going for. I believe a lipstick could look stellar without a lip liner and last all day long. Some lipsticks I feel benefit from a good lip liner. Quite frankly sometimes when I'm in my home clothes I just put on a lip liner and feel like a bare faced mermaid with an oomph. The real answer is both. So, I guess it was a trick question huh Cuties?

Until next time Cuties(:
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