Monday, May 19, 2014

Cutie 411: Going to Beautycon!! :D


My dear Cuties, I am indeed going to be at Beautycon NYC!!I'm super excited for the fact that its only about 5 days away! I will keep you guys updated and in the loop of what's what! Beautycon is Saturday, May 24. I will try to get lots of pictures for you guys when I go and will proceed to tell you of my experiences at beautycon! :D I'm so excited, I should stop hopping around like a bunny rabbit. Anywho just wanted to let you guys know. If you have any questions you  would like to me find out about it or if you'll be there too, please leave it in the comments and I promise I will get to all of them,even if it kills me. It is a labor of love my Cuties.

Until next time Cuties!(:
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