Monday, May 26, 2014

BeautyCon 2014 Experience! (:

Beautycon Experience!! :D 

So Cuties, beautycon was fun and not so much at the same time. I mean I had a great time but there was things that could have been better, like I was upset with a couple of things. Let's start from the beginning, I got there bright and early and we were the first ones! Although Cuties the organization to get into beautycon was hectic to say the least. So they let the VIPs and PRO in first but they were running super late, they were supposed to let everyone in at 9am well the VIP and PRO but they didn't start letting anyone in till like 9:30ish so I wanted to rip my hair out. Anywho once we actually got inside,took forever, but we got inside. It was different than I expected but not too bad. What really made me mad and sad was the fact that NYX and TooFaced was supposed to have a booth but when I looked for it, it was for talent only (pretty much the Youtube Beauty Gurus) and I was soooo mad!! But I guess if you know if you're important or not. But besides that there's a lot of good sales inside but the lines were cray cray times like a million.There was food trucks in the back area but nothing too crazy amazing. And the VIP area was a bit sad and a bit pricey but its okay they just had alcohol and chips in there haha. And if you wanted to meet the Youtubers, you had to get in line at least an hour before had. I got in line to meet Gigi Gorgeous which was an absolute honor and I love her videos so much and she's the sweetest girl ever (:  check my twitter to see the pic @CutieBeauty123 . But I did get some good prices and some free goodies (: My definite favorite part is the free foundation and brush just for getting shade matched, loved that!!! :D  Definitely going next year, hopefully its better then this year,every year gets better I suppose. 

Until next time Cuties! (: 
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