Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Dog Days.

Hey Cuties, finally getting on top of things! This winter as much as I love it has been royally kicking my ass. With the ups and downs I'm finally on a roll again, I couldn't be more excited.

I'm starting to feel like myself again.

Phew! Finally Cuties, not only can I breathe through my nose I'm truly starting to feel like myself again. I don't know if it's just me, but when I get sick, I feel like a completely different person. As if I'm a shadow of myself. I absolutely hate it, it's the worst.

Getting down to business.

Now that I'm in recovery mode I could get down to business and do a couple of things I have in store for you guys and see how they pan out! So keep those eyes peeled! I love bonding with you guys so I hope you continue to enjoy my content!

Body goals.

Yes, that's right Cuties I've been putting my nose to the grindstone to finally get to my happy healthy body! I've come such a long way and my goals are so close I could feel it in every fiber of my muscles. Even if I'm sore to all hell and I walk like a baby deer. Progress is progress though Cuties!


I swear I've caught the travel bug. Instagram, Facebook, Bloglovin! Everywhere and everyone is tempting me to go out and explore and with my fiancé by my side. I've been dying for us to take our first vacay/trip together. Especially a cruise! Cutiesss, I love me a cruise!

Winter is here and I love it.

I'm a huge winter fan. I was a fall baby, and honestly I might not be a winter fan. More of a cool weather but not miserable weather type of gal. Still, I'm enjoying this weather now that I'm on my way back to fully Yolanda.

What about you Cuties? Cool weather? Warm weather? What's your favorite?

You know the drill, let me know in the comments.

Until next time Cuties(:

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