Saturday, March 25, 2017

Beauty Bucketlist.

Hey Cuties, there's always been this huge sense of curiosity with me when it comes to makeup. There's so many things I wish I could do. Although random I feel like seeing my bucket list in writing inspires me.

Make my own lipstick.

It can't just be me right Cuties? I've always wanted to make my very own lipstick. As much of a lipstick junkie that I am I feel it would only be fitting. Here in NYC, Bite Beauty has a special little shop where you could do just that and you Cuties better believe I've been planning my perfect trip there!

Wear matte black lipstick.

Simple, silly, I know what you Cuties are thinking. Honestly? I've always wanted to pull this off but I've. Always chickened out in the end. I'd love to one day take on the world with some matte black lipstick on and not a care in the world. I'd feel totally blogger chic no doubt about it.

Learn how to create pigment.

I always found the process of making colors for makeup so fascinating! I'd love to one day create my own pigment or at least see what the process is for making a color pigment. I find it so exciting when they discover a new color I think about how I'd love to see it in my makeup! Imagine discovering your own shade of color, I would feel majorly accomplished.

Pick the brains of the people behind my favorite brands.

Can you imagine if you could ask the founders of big brands like NYX, Anastasia Beverly Hills, Tarte, and Benefit. That would be amazing! Not only about new products but about their inspirations and just them as people. I feel like your art says a lot about you, and we all know Cuties, makeup is art.

Curious cat.

What can I say Cuties? I'm a learner at heart. My beauty bucketlist revolves around my curiosity. It's a bit short but I am a strong believer of speaking things into existence. Maybe I will try the matte black lipstick, stay tuned on that. I'll also keep you updated if I discover my own shade of pink I promise.

What's one thing off your beauty bucketlist Cuties? Let me know in the comments.

Until next time Cuties(:

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