Thursday, December 15, 2016

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

Hey Cuties, YAY it's finally that time of year! Christmas time, ah yes Christmas is finally around the corner and I couldn't be more excited! Every year I feel like the holidays get better and even more special. Let the carols begin.

Oh Christmas tree.

Cuties, I cannot and I mean CANNOT tell you how excited I am about our Christmas tree this year! For the first time ever, I HAVE A WHITE CHRISTMAS TREE. Hold the applause. Moving right along, putting up the Christmas tree is definitely one of my favorite things to do.

Gifts, gifts everywhere!

Where you Cuties good this year? I know I was! Which is exactly why I did my best to give all my family and friends the gifts that they would enjoy. Present wrapping is still a skill I've yet to master but hey, I'm a PRO at writing in the names. Let's not forget hearts next to their names that's the most important part.

Holiday spirit.

I also realize that this time of year isn't just about Christmas. I know they are so many other holidays during this season that deserve just as much love. To my Cuties out there that don't celebrate Christmas, I hope you have an amazing holiday! Let me know what you're celebrating!

This is what heaven must smell like.

The cookies, the sweets, the pastries, it is something to wait all year for just the smells from the kitchen! I love the smell of fresh cookies or gingerbread. Maybe a pastry or pie. Yumm. I just can't help myself Cuties!

Christmas cheer.

I love Christmas time Cuties. Sure, I know it could be hectic and stressful and sometimes depressing. I just try and think of everyone gathered together having an amazing time and just reconnecting. It makes the worries all melt away. It's a feeling I wait for all year long.

Until next time Cuties(:
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