Thursday, December 1, 2016

First Impressions: Huda Beauty Rose Gold Edition Textured Palette.

Huda Beauty Rose Gold Edition Textured Eyeshadow Palette.

Huda Beauty Rose Gold Edition Textured Eyeshadow Palette

Hey Cuties, I got this palette! You have no idea how glad I am that I got my hands on it, I literally would not rest until I tried this out myself. I find that it is such a different experience than your typical eyeshadow palette.

Beautiful textures.

The biggest thing about this palette Cuties. The entire top row of the palette are the textured shadows and the star of this palette. In my experience, I find that these shadows apply beautifully with my fingers and the pigment along with the texture is something that truly took me by surprise! There is nothing like the feeling of the first time you pat one of these shadows onto your lid.

Made in Italy.

A fun thing I also noticed is that these shadows along with not having anything bad in them like parabens and what not is that these shades are made in Italy. To me that brings a genuine sense of curiosity that I haven't encountered in a palette until this one Cuties.

Some fallout.

I noticed with some of the darker shades in particular there was some fallout. I always try to do my eyes before my face. Not enough to be a pain but a small thing to note Cuties, a small extra step in your routine if you're up for it. Although for me, a little fallout is totally worth the result.


The flow of this palette is so magical, it makes me want to reach for it every time I'm deciding on what products to use. I swear Cuties that this palette has a siren song it uses on me. I feel like this is a palette you pick up until you hit pan. Which is definitely something I have to refrain from seeing as it is limited edition.

A true makeup gem.

Huda Beauty is an absolute superstar in personality and products so I can't say I'm surprised that I like this palette. What I am surprised about this palette is just how much I love it. It fills me with excitement and inspiration in its unique way and I fear the day I hit pan on these amazing textured shadows, it would be a very sad day Cuties.

Check the review here.

Until next time Cuties(:
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