Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Celeb Spotlight: Zendaya

Hey Cuties, I'm not usually one to get wrapped up in celebrities lives, and let it become a complete essential part in my life. I do have a few shining stars that I always love to check up on. Zendaya has to be an absolute top queen in my book. I freaking love her. I'm pretty sure I admire her more than I could put into words.

She's making a difference.

People do a lot of things with their fame. Help their families, travel to other countries, and generally do what strikes their fancy. I just love how Zendaya uses her spotlight to bring awareness and light to  situations that don't get enough attention or the urgency they really need. She does it with grace and class with plenty of time for dream chasing.

She is super humble.

Zendaya knows where she came from, she knows how hard she had to work, she wasn't just handed this on a silver platter. She earned it, every step of the way. She thanks all her fans all the time, she lets us into her lives and makes us feel important. Which most famous celebrities don't even bother to do.

Her clothes are to die for.

She recently came out with her own line at Nordstrom called Zaya. I just cannot even. The clothes are trendy, work ready, date ready, play ready, they are just ready to be strutted in. A bit on the pricer side of clothes I would gladly support her dreams. Not to mention Cuties, she has shoes! This one is for my shoe Cuties out there! They are so pretty and I would definitely treat myself to a pair when I have a moment, worth the splurge for sure.

She's a social media rockstar.

She is hilarious, she's sharp, she is real. I relate so much of the things on her Twitter and Snapchat it really feels like we're really good friends. When trouble comes around as it always does for famous people, she handles herself with grace, wit, and dignity. Sign of a true hero I tell you.

Zendaya for Prez 2016.

Why not? She's well versed and knows when she should turn to people for help. The people clearly love her. I say Zendaya for President! I mean why not shake up politics in America a little more huh? Add some spice?

Until next time Cuties(:
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