Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Lush Lust List.

Lush Lust Wishlist.

Hey Cuties, I've been mulling over this post for a while now Cuties because, well, the Lush website is a very dangerous place. I get so overwhelmed and just want to get everything. Especially if it smells like roses. So here's what I'm absolutely lusting over.


I know I'm not the only one who feels they definitely don't need an excuse to spend even more time in the shower. While everyone is raving about the bath bombs, which I'm not knocking, I just don't know Cuties I'm not a bath kind of gal. So you could imagine my bliss when I saw the Shower section on their site. I'm totally up for bath bomb recommendations, I think you Cuties might convince me.


Cuties, you just cannot neglect your silky tresses. Okay so maybe they're not silky, that's where Lush comes in, all the power and more than likely not a heavenly scent. I've also noticed from experience Cuties, hair tends to love the natural options, and you get to feel like a garden fairy princess. The best plus ever.

The good stuff.

These things are completely random in a sense Cuties but completely necessary. I mean I haven't tried any of these and I still feel like I would re-buy these things. I just think they would change my world. After that I don't think I'd be able to go without them so I think this is most definitely the most dangerous part of this list. If you tried any of these Cuties, just let me it's not just me and I will be at peace with myself.

Gift Sets.

I'm a huge fan of gift sets in general and when I saw how cute and varied these gift sets from Lush were,let's just say I'm glad my fiancé was in the other room because I'm pretty sure I had the face of a heart eye emoji. They even have one rose themed. All the yes.

Yes girl,yes.

So yes Cuties, I cannot even. I do have to admit that I am definitely no Lushie. I can count all the things I've tried from Lush I can count on one hand, no joke. That is not from lake of wanting, this list is only the beginning of my lust. If you're anything like me Cuties, you are a wishlist girl and you don't mind in the least adding more to your list. Hello it's all natural. Yes you could go hug your pets. All of them because no guilt here, like ever.

What has been on your Lush lust wish lists? What's your fav from my list?

Let me know in the comments below!

Until next time Cuties(:

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