Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Body Shop's Tea Tree Skincare Kit Review.

The Body Shop's Tea Tree Skincare Kit Review.

Hey Cuties, what's your skincare routine? Or are you a newbie like me? When I saw this kit it got me thinking, okay maybe this is the perfect way to dip my toes in, and it sure was. I even found my perfect little gem.
                            The Body Shop's Tea Tree Skincare Kit Review

Good Value.

This kit was a pretty affordable deal and me being the skincare newbie I am having a set by step kit that has it all included. Me having acne prone skin having something that actually works was pretty inspiring, it got me motivated to really discover what my skin wants from me.            

 A bit drying.

I did notice that after I was done these products did make my skin feel a little dry and tight, but I figured it was the acne fighting part but still it was a bit uncomfortable. But hey, it was slowly but surely working. I suggest some picking and choosing which does make it a bit more difficult for skincare newbies.

                             The Body Shop's Tea Tree Cleanser and Toner

Stings a little.

With the cleanser in specific, it stung a bit when I initially put it on but as I work it junta my skin the sting died down to where it was barely noticeable. I don't like stingy feelings, others might find the feeling refreshing but that's just not me Cuties.

Perfect Spot Treatment.

The tea tree oil was the absolute gem of this whole kit. It is an amazing all natural spot treatment when I felt a pimple coming on.When I put a drop or two of this on it. Clear the next morning. Tea tree oil I'm sure has always had these properties but I'm so glad I got some in this kit. This tiny bottle lasts forever!

Gotta start somewhere.

For the Cuties like me just getting started kits like this are definitely the way to go. It gives you an affordable way to dip your toes in and see what your skin loves and what it can't stand.There's always a catch you could find a gem that your skin can't get enough of.
    The Body Shop's Tea Tree Skincare Kit

Until next time Cuties(:

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