The Steal and the Splurge: Makeup Brushes.
Hey Cuties, we always need more brushes of course. You could never have enough brushes and good quality brushes are so essential to better application. So of course I snooped around the internet to brushes that are worth the hype, and that doesn't necessarily mean they'll break the bank.
Eco Tools Day to Night 6 Piece Set $16.99
This brush set is sooo easy to find Cuties and oh so soft. With 6 beautiful brushes it's a good place to start if you need a set in a clutch or a place to start. They will last you as long as you take good care of them. Don't look past them too easily.
Real Techniques Core Collection Brush Set $17.99
We've all heard of Real Techniques brushes and how good they are. A good number of brushes and a beloved brand I don't see how you Cuties could go wrong with this one. It covers your basis and trusted to be quite the workhorse.
Morphe Brushes Set 686 -18 Piece Vegan Brush Set $49.99
These are the brushes I've personally had my eyes on. It's not too expensive and a good number of brushes with lots of different uses. This set is stellar and vegan, so definitely a win win. It wasn't too hard to find some stellar reviews in spades.
Too Faced Teddy Bear Hair 5 Piece Brush Set $65
Too Faced is definitely no stranger to absolutely lust worthy packaging but this is gorgeous. This brush set something you would proudly display on your vanity. The brushes are completely soft and dense.
Sigma Beauty Essential Kit-Mr/Mrs Bunny $179
This is such a high-quality set from a loved brand that you could even get warranty for 2 years with your brushes. That tells us that these brushes are meant to last and last Cuties.
Rose Golden Complete Set Vol 1 $145
This beautiful set is a gem to beauty bloggers and youtubers everywhere. Who doesn't love rose gold Cuties? Not to mention it's a good number of brushes, and it is one of my favorites.
Tools of the trade.
Brushes are an essential part of what we love as makeup junkies. They make the whole process even more enjoyable. When everything blends flawlessly, and really packs in color perfectly. Whatever your price range I know you Cuties are always on the hunt for good quality brushes. Good brushes make all the difference. Can't wait to get my latest set!
Until next time Cuties(: