Jeffree Star Liquid Lipstick.
Hey Cuties, Happy August! I was finally able to get my hands on the much loved Jeffree Star Velour Liquid Lipstick. I cannot tell you guys how excited I am to play with this gorgeous color. What shade you might ask? You'll have to wait for the review, I promise it's worth the wait! I hope to have some good bonding time with this liquid lippie!
Dried very quickly.
This is a wonderful thing if you're anything like me and absolutely get antsy just waiting for your liquid lip to dry. I was surprised at how fast thing dries, but it also goes to say you also have to be pretty fast with your application. Which is something I'm still trying to master Cuties, it's a lot harder than it sounds, really.
You must exfoliate.
The suggestion that everyone says with liquid lipsticks still stand true with this one. You must exfoliate, my lips were quite on the dry side but in my excitement, I just needed to try it on. Oh wow, Cuties did it show. My lips looked like the Sahara desert with my lack of moisture on my lips. Not exactly a pretty picture, if you could imagine.
Settles into your lips.
I found a lot of the lines on my lips a lot more noticeable with this lipstick. That is not fun at all Cuties. I discovered lines I've never seen before, which makes for a sad gal let me tell you. I do realize though that I may need to up my lip care game because I have been going a little liquid lipstick crazy and clearly, it's taking its effect.
Unique doe foot applicator.
What did pleasantly surprise me was the applicator. It gave me rich color and coverage in one swipe, I did have to go in and clean up around my edges though. Overall I felt that the applicator was so comfortable to use, it had me thinking why other companies don't try this out on their liquid lipsticks. It personally hugs my lipsticks almost perfectly, only being off by a smidge.
Shade heaven.
I would find it very hard to believe you Cuties if you told me you didn't find a shade Jeffree Star lipstick you liked. There is so much variety in colors that even if you're not feeling so adventurous you could find a shade that will fit your collection. If you're branching out to find that, I don't know, yellow liquid lipstick, you could definitely find your color with this brand at the very least.
Until next time Cuties(: