Hey Cuties, Happy April! March went so fast! It was truly fantastic when #Paperhaul was kind enough to send me their March subscription box to review for you Cuties! Well, me being a stationery lover I was ecstatic to say the least. So, when I was done jumping up and down in my seat, I dove into the box and here's what I found for you Cuties!
Info Card is MIA.
So, one thing that definitely stuck out to me the most Cuties, is that this box didn't include an info card to let you know exactly what's in the box. Now the reason why this is a weird thing to me is the fact that I love having an info card since especially when you have to take into consideration customs. I love to know exactly what was supposed to be in my box and double check that it's there and make sure I don't have any doubles, things like that. It would be fun to see maybe some suggestions on some common ways to use some of the things in the box, because I didn't think of anyway to particularly use some of the things and it had me scratching my head a bit.
Packaging is a bit plain jane. Completely Approachable.
When I first received the package, I have to admit Cuties, I was a bit underwelmed, but I felt comforted at the same time. It doesn't feel like it's trying to be to much things at once. The simplicity could add to the artist collaboration inside and not take away from their spotlight. So honestly Cuties, I was still pleasantly surprised for the goodies I saw inside. So never judge a book by its cover Cuties!
I love the idea of themes! Represent Cuties!
I was so giddy to see how nicely everything in the box flowed together, and really gave a spotlight to the artist. I am a patron of the artists of course Cuties. I love how everything fit perfectly together and really represented the artist's vision and feel. I think it's so cool that #Paperhaul takes the time to find artists and give them this well earned spotlight. Although I do wish there was a little less cards and a little more variety, maybe something like pens or pencils? Just an idea Cuties, I feel that would definitely add to the uniqueness.
More Stickers? Always Priceless.
Okay so for my American Cuties I did the math! This box will run you about $22.66 to be exact including shipping price. They do donate about $14 American dollars to a UK charity called UK PostPals! PostPals pretty much sends snail mail and gifts to very ill kids, something to make them smile, which they most definitely deserve. Kudos #PaperHaul! So, for the box itself you are paying about $8.66! Which is definitely not a bad price. All together it could be a bit tough on your wallet, but you're still making kiddos smile which is a definite plus! Plus, if you're anything like me you love stickers and washi tape and notebooks and such.
Stationery Love is a True Love.
At the end of the day Cuties, I'm definitely a stationery gal. I love notebooks, notecards, stickers, washi tape. The whole nine. Another thanks to #PaperHaul for sending me this box so I could bring you Cuties the inside scoop! March's box was definitely a winner, it's like they knew how much I loved owls and cute little woodland creatures! I will definitely have to think hard on where I want these little guys to live at. I want it to be absolutely perfect to do it justice!
Learn more about Post Pals: Sharing the Love.
Until next time Cuties(: