Tuesday, March 8, 2016

This is Why Super Friendship is Kandee Johnson.

Hey Cuties, I've been catching up on my Youtube lately, and I found it so sad and disappointing that there is complete blogs and channels dedicated to ridiculing or talking bad about popular Youtubers. I'm a strong believer that negativity breeds negativity. So, I'm here trying to start a new series. That shines some light on some of my favorite Youtubers, and I hope to discover so much more!

She is super sweet. Like....Candy.

Okay, we won't talk about my awful pun. She wouldn't do that. She would think it's funny. I promise. Moving on Cuties, Kandee Johnson is one of the sweetest youtubers I think I've ever seen. She doesn't let her extreme talent get to her head. Of course, I do think she borrows sweetness from her absolutely adorable daughter! You'll never see a video where Kandee isn't asking about how you're doing.

She loves you. She does.

She says it too. She's always looking out for her viewers best interests and makes you feel absolutely like family. Watching her videos is almost like getting a warm hug from a good friend. Oh, how I wish Kandee Johnson was my personal friend! I can tell you Cuties I'm not the only one.

She infuses you with positive vibes. Always leave smiling.

Every time I watch one of her videos (or binge watch,no judgement zone Cuties) I always feel like my dreams aren't too big, that being a big blogger with you Cuties all by my side isn't impossible. That I could do anything that I want. Anyone who could try to bring me down will only be part of my success story. It's just so refreshing to watch a youtuber that doesn't make you envious but hopeful.

She's down to earth. 100% Real.

Just look at her channel. She will be honest, she will tell you how hater comments do hurt and do get to her sometimes and she feels like shit sometimes to and that that's okay. How much all her viewers and subscribers mean to her and how much we've helped her make her dreams come true. She makes sure we know that she wouldn't be where she is or do what she does without us.

Kandee Johnson. Inspiration, love, and support.

Kandee Johnson has been on Youtube a long time. Maybe she's learned the trick Cuties, or maybe it's just that she really connects with her subs, which everyone should strive for. Regardless of what it is, I love her energy and she seems like a super friend who would be awesome to have in my life. Not to mention how she takes the intimidation out of learning makeup. Which for a beginner makeup blog like mines, is super important. I strongly suggest that if you Cuties haven't subscribed to her Youtube channel to please go check her out and if you wouldn't mind tell her I sent you, and give her all the hugs she deserves! In fact, in my heart of hearts I hope this articles finds its way to her Cuties, I really do. There is too much talk about negativity on big youtubers. Sometimes we forget the good.

Until next time Cuties(:
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